
SOLID Principles of Programming

SOLID Principles of Programming
Following up with the editorials from last week regarding “What Sets You Apart” as a developer I wanted to come back to the SOLID principles of object oriented development. Really understanding and implementing these principles results in more robust code.

Robert C Martin introduced the acronym SOLID in the early 2000s to communicate five high level principles for object oriented programming. The five principles are:

  • Single Responsibility – an object should have only one responsibility
  • Open/Closed – an object is open for extension, but closed for modification
  • Liskov Substitution – An object should be replaceable with instances of a subtype without altering the correctness of a program
  • Interface Segregation – segregated interfaces are better than on single general purpose interface
  • Dependency Inversion = Base your code on abstractions such rather than concrete implementations.

We’ll take a look at each of these principles once again in the next few days. In the meantime, you can find a nice overview on Wikipedia, which is where I got the basic contents for the five bullet points above.

While these principles are targeted toward object oriented languages, they may be applied to non-object oriented languages with varying degrees of success. I’ll be sure to consider that concept as we dig in further.




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Don’t Forget DISPLAY as a Part of Your DB2 Tuning Efforts (part 2)
Although a DB2 performance monitor is probably the best solution for gathering information about your DB2 subsystems and databases, you can gain significant insight into “what is going on out there” using the simple DISPLAY command. The DISPLAY command can be used to return information about the status of DB2 data sharing groups, databases and table spaces, threads, stored procedures, user-defined functions, utilities, and traces; it can also monitor the Resource Limit Facility (RLF) and distributed data locations. Let’s take a quick tour of the useful information provided by the DISPLAY command.

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