
SharePoint/SQL Server Feedback and Lessons Learned

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Featured Article(s)
Troubleshooting SQL Server 2005 Profiler Problems
In this article, you can find the description of SQL Server 2005 Profiler bugs and the information on how to resolve or work around these problems.

SharePoint Feedback and Lessons Learned
[Send In Your Experiences and Lessons Learned with SharePoint]

Carol: "We are using SharePoint 2007. When it was installed originally, all the database files were placed on one drive (SAN).

I recently moved the content and search database files to separate drives following the Best Practice for the SharePoint database configuration. I used detach/attach to move the files to different drives within the same server (Windows 2003). I did not change anything else. After I re-attached the database files, some of the SharePoint service accounts, such as the farm account, crawl account, were all dropped from the moved databases and some changed even in other databases.

I had to check each service account and recover the security settings for each database manually. I don’t understand that just detach/attach the data files on the same server for the same instance, without changing the Login information, why the user (service) accounts permissions were changed. Similar things happened when I just moved the tempdb files. After I restart the services after moving tempdb, some SharePoint service account permissions were changed too. I still don’t know why and how to avoid the unexpected security changes. Is there anybody else experiencing the same thing?"

Stacy: "We use SharePoint as our portal into our dashboard and content collaboration. Our proof of concept installation was on one physical server hosting both the front end and database. We created our own look and feel, and moved the content onto a virtual environment.

The experience from our user community is that it is extremely slow. Our network guys assures us that it isn’t the virtualization of the database, but that it’s the customization of the look and feel.

I hired a performance tuning expert to make changes to the customization, but the increase in performance was insignificant.

Our network staff insists that we deconstruct the customization, that it has nothing to do with virtualizing the database, despite the fact that Microsoft doesn’t recommend virtualizing it’s SQL database.

Several experts have recommended that the database be moved to a physical environment, but the network guys do not believe it.

I am now in the process of removing all customization, and going back to the classic theme with the standard default master, and removing the dashboard from the portal. [Stay tuned…]"

Featured White Paper(s)
Ten Things DBAs Need to Know About Storage
Sometimes SQL Server database administrators (DBA’s) and storage area network (SAN) administrators live on the opposite side … (read more)

Ponemon Survey: Understanding Threats and Priorities in IT
In this extensive survey, conducted by the Ponemon Institute, C-level executives and DBAs reveal what challenges and opportun… (read more)