
SharePoint, SQL on Call Show and More

New SQL on Call Show Posted
[Watch Now] Your Questions – the show today is all about answering viewer questions about SQL Server! Interview questions, what are the top 10 SQL Server tasks, working with management and more.

Editor’s note: Sorry about the incorrect link to the show yesterday.

Featured Article(s)
Introducing Windows SharePoint Services
Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services presents a collaborative working platform under Windows environment. It ideally enables users to work interactively, and share information together. SharePoint sites provide a central storehouse for documents, information, and ideas. Microsoft Windows 2003 server offers this service for free. The construction of Microsoft Windows SharePoint services revolves around ASP.NET on the Internet Information Services (IIS) server. This article presents its readers a basic overview of Windows SharePoint Services and SharePoint Portal Server and how these two can work in collaboration in minimizing the need for custom software development.

Reporting Tools – Power to Your Users
Build the report once, let users use the reports numerous ways. If you use the right tools to build the report in the first place, you can provide your users with the ability to slice and dice the information, change the reports, drill down into the information so they can get what they need, when they need it, without building all new reports. Using the right tool helps you build these reports, then present great visualizations, provide crosstabs and a whole lot more. Business Objects Crystal Reports can help. Get more information here.

Updated SQL Server Best Practices Tool Available
Microsoft has updated the BPA for SQL Server – and you should grab a copy when you get a chance. This free tool will go through your SQL Server(s) and look at security and many other settings and will report back on different things you should consider for your servers, and the "why" of each. So, you can point it at your server, then let it help you determine what options need attention. Get your (updated) copy here.

Virtual Conference Q&A
We’ve had a HUGE week getting ready for the conference, and several common questions, so I thought I’d answer them here. Don’t forget to get registered!

Q: What version of SQL Server is the conference covering?
A: Our demos largely use SQL Server 2005, but since we’re focusing on the "get you up and running" stuff – the examples and such will largely work on 2000 and 2008. We do have a 2008 track, presented by Microsoft, so you can learn about the 2008 features, but the bulk of the conference is about what we’re all really using – 2005 and 2000.

Q: Is this really interactive, or just recorded content?
A: We’ll be having live, interactive Q&A during the sessions, after the sessions and on breaks (basically all day long) and the exhibit hall will let you interact with, get demos from and generally see what’s up with the different exhibitor’s offerings. In addition, we’ll have ongoing live, interactive chats between attendees and we’ll be taking your questions to be answered during each day’s starting keynotes and "you build it" sessions. Can’t get more interactive than this. 🙂

Q: Can I see the sessions after the conference?
A: Yes. The conference sessions will be available for a week after the conference. In addition, unlike ANY other offering out there, you’ll find full transcripts, downloadable presentations, downloadable sample databases, scripts and a lot more. We want to make certain you get the information you need.

I hope this helps explain a bit. We can’t wait to work with everyone – the feedback so far has been overwhelming and we’re still several weeks away! Be sure to register today and save your spot.

Featured White Paper(s)
7 Steps to Successful SQL Server Auditing
This easy-to-read guide will explain and simplify the basic steps associated with successful SQL Server auditing & give you t… (read more)

SQL Injection: What it is and how to prevent it
SQL injection is the hacking technique which attempts to pass SQL commands through a web application for execution by a backe… (read more)