
SharePoint Departmental Solutions?

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Ever Have One of THOSE Moments?
Today I did. We were doing some camera work (interviews) and talking about SharePoint, installs, support, compliance, etc. Pretty typical stuff. I was talking with the folks from AvePoint – and I was asking what types of things they see in the field. I was amazed (I’m NOT a SharePoint expert) to hear them talking about "…one of the challenges is the proliferation of departmental-level SharePoint solutions…." (paraphrasing).

Holy buckets. Sound familiar? How many times have we talked here, on the shows, in webcasts about departmental databases where you need to help people with their local, departmentalized applications so that not only can other people use them and benefit from them, but you can provide for support, recoverability, etc.? Lots.

So, this is a big issue with SharePoint installations in companies where SharePoint isn’t (yet?) a corporate initiative, or resources are stretched for implementation. Then, you end up with less than optimal installations that perhaps don’t take into account recoverability, compliance issues and such.

Do you see this in your own work? Is SharePoint (in this regard) quite a bit like a more traditional SQL Server challenge at the departmental level? If so, how have you worked to consolidate and bring together these solutions to optimize for the SharePoint solutions?

Drop me a note, let me know how you’re approaching this.

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Choosing a Remote DBA Instead of a Full-time Consultant
Relational databases like SQL Server and Oracle grow 3x to 5x in size every three years and present organizations with signif… (read more)

Migrate, Manage, Monitor: Top 10 Tips for a Successful Move to SQL Server 2005
Effective planning and management enables a smooth migration and ensures that your new SQL Server 2005 environment will be ru… (read more)