
Set Based Recursion

Set Based Recursion

When a developer first transitions to working with SQL or set based code they begin to apply the same techniques used in a procedural language. Cursors are very attractive because they work within a loop very much like a “for” or ‘foreach” structure. We know how to work with them intuitively because they work much as we have done previously. The problem is that cursors are rather slow in performance, and take up a lot of resources.

Cursors can be a cause of much locking or blocking activity on a database. They aren’t the end of the world, and can be used effectively. However, there are set based alternatives.

One of my favorite tools is a sequence table or number table consisting of a sequential set of numbers from zero to , well, as many as you need. I always have a sequence table available in some database in any instance of an SQL Engine. Sometimes I even put it into my model database for SQL Server so that every database created will have a sequence table.

Sequence tables are like magic. The first time I saw one demonstrated I was blown away by how powerful y it performed, how simple it was to use, and the flexibility for using it for different kinds of features.

For example, if you wanted to find every position of the letter B in the string “The Big Bad Boy had Blue Britches on his Bum” you could find it with a sequence table or a loop. Either one will work well. But observe how easily this can be done with a sequence table…

DECLARE @String VARCHAR(4000) = 'The Big Bad Boy had Blue Britches on his Bum'

FROM Sequence
WHERE Number BETWEEN 1 AND @Length
AND SUBSTRING(@String, Number, 1) = 'B'

There you have it, a single command returning the character position of the letter B from the entire string.

Maybe tomorrow I’ll leave a few examples of my favorite things to do with a Sequence table. Feel free to add your favorites below, and drop me an email at btaylor@sswug.org.




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