
Self Hosting Web Service in Dot Net

Self Hosting Web Service in Dot Net

This capability has been around since the release of Dot Net 4.0, so for quite some time. But, I am just now getting around to experiencing it, and figured I’d write a quick little blurb on the product.

What makes a self hosting web service different? It runs as its own Windows service, not as a process under Internet Information Server. As a result, you can deploy your self hosted application on many windows platforms. I would guess, although I haven’t looked into it, you could deploy it on windows without any GUI as well. The point is, you can deploy it on a machine not having any version of IIS installed.

You can check out this URL as well as many others demonstrating how to configure a self hosted web site. This link is old enough it uses Dot Net 4.0.

You install the code you write using the InstallUtil.exe command line utility. This utility registers or removes Managed Code applications as a Windows Service. Once installed, you can see your application in the Services applet or using the Dos SC command just like any other service.

Once complete, your self hosted Web Service can handle Restful commands such as POST or GET.

That leaves me with the question, why would you use this over simply adding another application to an IIS Service? What do you think? Leave your comment below on how you have used Self Hosted Services, or why you don’t think they should be used. Or, if you prefer, you can drop me an Email at btaylor@sswug.org.




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