
SelectViews SQL Server Show Ideas/Requests?

Featured Article(s)
Pivoting Data With Oracle 11g’s Pivot Operator
One of the new Oracle 11g features is the Pivot and Unpivot operators used to summarize rows into summarized pivot tables. This article describes how to use this feature in your Select statements

Do THIS SQL Job Before THAT One
Did you know you can use SQL Sentry Event Manager to chain job execution – making sure you don’t have the usual conflicts and so you can optimize your system to run the most efficiently it can? It’s true – you can define dependencies, workflow and even set up chained jobs that cross the boundary between SQL Server, Oracle and even Windows Tasks. Check out SQL Sentry Event Manager – it could be just the ticket to get the most out of your jobs that run on your servers. Get more information here, and you can watch a couple of how-to videos here.

Quick Link to More Information on SQL Server 2008
Check out this great article (or the first part of a series…) on new performance management tools in SQL Server 2008 – this monitoring, the policies and several other things should be very interesting indeed in the new release.

Virtual Conference Update
We’re continuing to get all sorts of suggestions for the upcoming virtual conference – many thanks! A couple of things just announced:

You’ll be able to access sessions for a week after the conference dates. We’ll be providing the opportunity to come back and re-watch sessions up to 2x each – so if you miss one, want to see it again, want to get a fresh set of notes, live in a timezone that wouldn’t let you take part originally, you’ll be all set.

– We have group rates available now as well, by popular (very) request. Just drop me a note and I’ll get you the form to send in.

– Don’t forget – Free CoDe Magazine subscription, $150 savings coupon for SQL Connections Spring in-person event in Orlando and much more.

Check out the conference site here.

Feature Updates, What Would YOU Like To See?
Have a feature you’d like to see on the weekly SelectViews SQL Server show? Drop me a note – we’re always looking to enhance the show and add new things, tune and optimize the existing content and approach and much more. Please email me your ideas here – if we use your idea as a segment on the show, it’s $100 cold hard cash in your pocket.

Watch the existing shows here

Featured White Paper(s)
SQL Server Data Recovery Made Easy with Idera SQLsafe
When a database goes down due to hardware or software failure, data corruption, or any number of other causes, every minute … (read more)

Transforming Enterprise Backups: How Using a Third-Party Tool Can Improve Backup Strategies
The backup and restore facilities in native SQL Server are robust, and once a backup routine is established, the DBA needs to… (read more)