
Resources for Learning SQL Server

Resources for Learning SQL Server
In this edition of the SSWUG newsletter I respond to a question from Tim regarding learning resources.

Tim writes:
I’m enjoying your newsletter.

I’ve been an oracle DBA for over 10 years and am just now being introduced to the SQL Server world. Your newsletter is a huge help in my transition.

You sign off by saying, "If you need further tutorials to get things rolling there is plenty of good training online, or find yourself a good administrators manual." can you give me any specific recommendations?

I use a number of different resources to learn and solve problems. First I like to start with books. Books can be taken anywhere, and generally don’t make assumptions of previous understanding. They also provide an index for quick search when you know the topic you need to find.

I have found WROX and Apress to be good publishers for SQL Server materials. Between the two publishers they have books targeted at different levels of expertise. Microsoft Press has good content as well.

The SQL Server Unleashed series has been a standard for decades. I looked at the table of contents for the SQL Server 2008 R2 Unleashed version and it is quite thorough. A quick Amazon Search on SQL Server Administration will bring you books from these publishers relating to different versions of SQL Server.

I often find books with inside information to be instructive. Anything you can buy our find online from Kalen Delaney, Paul Randal, Brent Ozar or Kevin Kline is excellent. I hate to drop names like that because there are tons of others I can’t remember off the top of my head, like Adam Mechanic or Itzik Ben-Gan.

All the above authors also write in the SQL Server magazine including frequent data warehousing tips from Michelle Poolet.

When it comes to figuring out what is going on in the engine SQL Server Data Management Views (DMVs) are extremely valuable. I can never remember them. So I keep a copy of “SQL Server DMVs In Action” by Ian W. Stirk handy.

Two of my favorite bloggers on SQL Server topics are Glen Berry and Steve Jones.

For those of you who prefer media, SSWUG is the best place to go. We have tons of stuff in many formats such as pod casts, SSWUGtv and much more.

Would you like to add to this list of resources with ones you find helpful? Simply drop me a note at btaylor@sswug.org.



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