
Remember When

Remember When:

You had to create all your own database constraints through the use of triggers. Declarative referential integrity was not available. Check constraints were not available as part of a table design.

Database Backups consisted of a series of INSERT INTO SomeTable VALUES … statements. This was pretty flexible, but did not backup the schema. It also took a long time to restore a database.

Memory was a big thing. Having 16 Megabytes for your database server was huge.

Disk space was a rare resource. You would work hard to determine and use the smallest data size possible. It really made a difference if you used a Byte, Short, or Long Integer. Your database could fit on one or two floppy disks?

You had to wait for your data to be loaded into the computer from tape or some other archive because there was not enough disk space to keep it all online.

Programs and scripts had limited size.

You had to create and maintain your own “MAKE” file to compile your programs.

Aren’t you glad these things are only memories? Maybe you are too young to even remember. Well, here’s a salute to those who have gone before, and made the process of creating good software so much easier.

