
New SelectViews Show

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New SelectViews Show
The show today features RAID and Defrag tips, backup optimization with filegroups, baseline stats and industry news. Also, find out about virtual learning opportunities, the SQL tip, the developer/AJAX thoughts and much more.
[Watch the Show Here]

Featured Article(s)
Windows shadow copy makes Oracle Backup and Recovery easy Part 1
Windows shadow copy makes Oracle Backup and Recovery easy Part 1

Have You Seen the Challenge Videos?
See my first one here, and Chris Shaw’s response here. Of course now Chris is out of town and I have the studio to work up a response. Should be very interesting. It’s all about the new live sessions series we’ll be doing talking about top 10 scripts, performance tips and things to know about SQL Server. Have favorites? Send them in and we’ll take a look.

[Get registered for the virtual conference here]

Featured White Paper(s)
Thinking Beyond Tape: The Case Against Tape Backup
Many companies are already backing up their main and branch office systems to tape, but what they don’t understand is just ho… (read more)