Microsoft Vision of Software As A Service is Taking Form
I was reading Stephen Wynkoop’s editorial from a couple days ago about some of the new features being brought into Azure. Surprised was I to find FoxPro in that list. Not long ago Microsoft announced it would no longer be releasing any new updates for Visual FoxPro.
When you think about it, it makes good sense for Microsoft to move in this direction. By making it an Azure only product they are both providing existing FoxPro software users an option for future tools. Moreover, they are encouraging them, or rather, forcing them, to adopt the Azure platform.
When Microsoft began the major campaign of evangelism of Dot Net just before releasing version 1.0, I attended a presentation. This would be right around the year 2000. I still remember the presenter saying Microsoft would be moving their emphasis from selling software to selling platform as a service. They anticipated 10 years.
Would you not say that the time has come? Microsoft certainly invested enough capital in their Azure centers. A couple colleagues of mine toured one of the many Azure facilities and from their description, there is plenty of horsepower to make Azure a reality.
Next week let’s open the discussion on the changes Software As A Service is going to impact us as we utilize the new capabilities. How will it change development, publishing, compliance, purchasing, disaster recover, and other areas of concern.
If you’d like to get a jump on the conversation, drop a note to
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