
Let?s Put a Fork in It and Call It Done

Let’s Put a Fork in It and Call It Done

This is a culinary phrase in the USA used to declare a dish as cooked and ready for eating. It is used euphemistically as well to say that a project is completed. Perhaps that is the case with Java?

In December 2012 Monty Widenius created a fork of MySQL called MariaDB. He did not trust Oracle to take MySQL forward as an open systems data engine. There was not enough revenue, and it competed directly with their flagship product. Where was the motivation to keep it going?

Similar things happeded with the Open Office and Hudson projects resulting in Jenkens and Libre Office. Forked from the open systems source, new code bases were produced outside of the control of Oracle.

Is it time to do the same for Java? Is there already a fork in process just waiting to gain momentum. Let’s face it, Oracle has let Microsoft develop a much more advanced framework in Dot Net by allowing Java to stagnate for so long.

Do a google search on any of these products and you will see a huge amount of movement and energy taking away from Oracle their stranglehold on what were once thriving open systems tools.

Is it time to put a fork in Java, and move on? Share your thoughts below, or drop an Email to btaylor@sswug.org. Let me suggest there is little value in oracle Bashing here. The key question is do we take the keys away from Oracle for a tool that literally changed programming.




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