
Key Performance Indicators

With Stephen Wynkoop
What’s new in SQL Server 2012? On the show today, Michael Crump talks about developing with #sql2012. As always there will be some great tips and much more. Watch the Show

Key Performance Indicators
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) have been used broadly to track the health of a business and the activities that contribute to that health.

For any database application there are a few KPIs that warrant your attention. Seasoned DBAs have these down and the auditing of many is automated. Other businesses outsource the health of their system(s) or push them into the cloud.

For many of you, having become the accidental DBA, an understanding of KPIs, how to monitor them and address the issues they expose, is essential. Profiler and Performance Monitor are key tools for evaluating KPIs.

There are plenty of articles and links on SSWUG addressing server performance. So, take a moment of your time to run a search here on SSWUG using the key word performance.

Talking with many professionals I have learned that Memory, CPU and Disk performance are the core KPIs you will want to understand.

Is this your area of expertise? Why not write in with one of your key techniques for identifying, monitoring, and, if you have time, correcting a KPI? I know that many KPIs overlap, so don’t be concerned with being completely thorough. Send your response to btaylor@sswug.org.




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