JQuery – Browser Equallizer
We have been considering how to handle code unique for different brands and versions of browsers for the last couple of days. Some of the things I have been looking for were testing techniques, ways to reduce the number of tests necessary, and software frameworks to reduce coding.
A number of tools and techniques were submitted by our readers. JQuery was by far the most common. It appears that JQuery can reduce the work necessary for Multiple Browser support. For those unique instances, it still supports JQuery syntax for handling browser specific requirements.
Interstingly, JQuery was the first JavaScript framework that Microsoft adopted as part of a Visual Studio release.
One of the other cool things is that JQuery can also integrate nicely with your CSS resolving browser differences there too.
Heres some comments from others.
I did not see anyone mention cross browser frameworks. I have used jQuery and it is a nice framework library with the goal of eliminating the need for cross browser coding. You write the same code using the framework and the functions under the hood will handle cross browser support. While it’s not 100%, it is much better than what you would have to do 10 years ago. I would encourage any of the readers having issues with cross browser compatibility to take a look at jQuery.
I read your newsletter on cross-browser scripting in javascript. I personally am fond of using jquery & jquery plugins. They make javascript fun again. 🙂 I believe mootools and YUI also do the job, but I have not tried them out, so cannot comment.
One thing I haven’t heard much on is how to handle different screen resolution or font testing. It appears that this is a human only problem for which there is no automated method to test. WYSIWYG requires human eyes it would seem. Does anyone have any tricks for this problem? Or,. do you have any other tips you’d like to share…Drop me a note at facebook, twitter, or email at btaylor@sswug.org.
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