
Is SQL Injection Still a Worry?

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Is SQL Injection Still an Issue?
As I continue to work with newly graduated software developers I am finding different levels of skills when it comes to utilizing a relational database. Some know the very basics of the SQL syntax in favor of ORM generators; others have more skill, and write SQL statements on their own.

What I haven’t really looked into is their understanding of what SQL Injection is, and how to protect against it. So, I thought I would throw out the topic today to our readers at large. My intention is not to train as much as to get some idea regarding the potential of the problem.

For those of you who are unsure, SQL Injection is most easily accomplished when you build your own SQL statements from scratch, concatenating an SQL command with input from a user. It would be something like


The value ‘TAYLOR’ is taken from a user input.

If the user has enough characters in the input field where they type TAYLOR then they can instead add additional SQL Statements which will be executed in the database.

You can search Google for any number of techniques for protecting against SQL Injection if you are unsure how to securly access an SQL database.

So, is SQL Injection still a worry in modern software development? Have you seen code allowing SQL Injection recently? If so, was it new or legacy code? Share your observations by dropping an Email to btaylor@sswug.org.




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