

Featured Script
Save / append logfile (ASCII)
This generic proc appends/creates an ASCII (log) file to an alternate place…. (read more)

As the year comes to a close my mind turns back on all the different people with whom I have worked. Having started programming in the early ’80s results in a lot of individuals. I find it interesting that there are two people who have influenced my work ethics the most.

Sid was a child wonder. He was programming telephone switches as a teenager. We’re talking about the kind of switches that are not allowed to fail due to Government specifications. Sid was 22 when I met him. He had already started two businesses and was a consultant where I was employed. What made Sid different than others I worked with? He brought the best out in all of us. Everyone he touched had one of two reactions. They left, or they brought on their A Game.

He didn’t bring this kind of influence out by anything more than simple encouragement and personal example. He worked in a tireless fashion. He spent time getting to know us as people at work and away. I can still hear him telling me, "You can figure that out, you’re smart." And when I couldn’t figure it out, he jumped in to help. He is CTO today of the same company, and has earned the role. His influence up, down and across the organizational tree won him respect and influence that is used wisely to build up individuals and the company he represents.

Nancy is another person who has had great influence in my career. She is very different from Sid. She came back into programming after taking 20 years off to raise a family. She came into a group of very sharp individuals and struggled to come up to speed on some sophisticated software patterns. She also had to learn SQL.

Nancy was the first one in the office everyday, working hard to come up to speed. It took Nancy a while to become productive, especially in her own eyes. Like me, she was no genious…just hard working with a gift for software syntax.

Nancy is a rock and I’d take here with me anywhere I go. The reason is that she gets things done. It may take a while for her to understand the pattern, but she is a great problem solver, and tenacious with completing code that is accurate. She is like a savings bond, with a steady solid consistent yield you can count on.

Two people with completely different approach to the work environment. One thing they both have in common; they both value themselves and others, their work, striving for the best product, and enjoying the ride with the people with whom they work.

I hope you are a person of positive influence, and that this newsletter finds you happy in your chosen career. Keep up the passion for SQL Server and the many new things yet to come.

Do you have individuals who have influenced you in your career. Drop me a note, and we can share with our readers. I have a couple days yet this year. Send your comments to btaylor@sswug.org.

