
Icenium Mobile App Development Platform

We’ve been looking at tools to allow you to write mobile apps in a single environment and deploy it to multiple devices. Today I wanted to present an overview of Icenium from Telerik. This product was suggested through email by Eric.

I went to the Icenium sight and was pleasantly surprised about the polished presentation, tutorials, and the video demonstrating the problem Icenium was designed to solve was well done.

Most mobile apps work solely on the mobile device using native code, operate remotely over a browser, or operate in a hybrid mode with heavy lifting done on a cloud service, and local access to native tools performed by the local device.

Telerik Icenium utilizes JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS to take advantage of the hybrid world providing a great degree of functionality while reducing the stress of porting your application to multiple operating systems.

Their development environment is rather impressive in that you have many choices, including the ability to develop totally in the cloud. The thing I really liked was their device simulators and a feature they call live sync where you can see your code deployed in the simulator(s).

They also included a cloud infrastructure where you can host shared services such as Email, storage, and user management that they call Everlive.

So, there’s another product you may consider on your search for development tools. Keep on sharing your favorite by adding comments here online, or drop an Email to btaylor@sswug.org.

