
Have You Done a Sanity Check on Your Database Recently?

Featured Article(s)
Using System Monitor to tune SQL Server 2005 (Part 2)
Here are some helpful tips to use System Monitor with SQL Server 2005.

Virtual Conference Starts Today
[ Enter Here ] – looking forward to seeing everyone there! Chris and I will be going over our top 10 scripts (each) today live – debating top picks and getting feedback. Don’t forget to tweet about the vC – #sswugvc is the magical tag that brings the twitter feed into the vConference, all live. Not registered yet? No worries – plenty of time –just head to the site and you can get set up immediately and have access to all three days this week, on-demand for 30 days and more.

Have You Done a Sanity Check on Your Database Recently?
When was the last time you went through the tables you’re using on your system?

We’ve been doing some of our own housekeeping recently on databases for both our own internal use and the use of customers. It’s amazing how things accumulate over time, especially on database systems that have been upgraded, modified, re-deployed and so-on over time. Temporary test tables, sub-tables, optimization testing and such can lead to a lot of forgotten information on the system. In addition, if you have a system that’s been around for awhile, you’ll no-doubt have data in the tables that may not be needed, or that should be archived to a stand-by or reporting server.

We’ve had some good luck of late addressing performance, working through archiving data off, finding tables no longer in use, or looking at new ways of presenting historical information. In addition, check out your existing schemas on a broader basis. Do you have the indexes you need? Do you have indexes you don’t need?

It’s just one of those things where you deploy a system and may never look back unless things break. Being proactive may help you keep things from breaking.

Webcast: How to Hire a DBA Part 3 of 3
Are you looking to hire a DBA? This 3 part series will help you in what you should look for. In Part three of this series we will talk about the interview. We will finish up with making a decision on who to hire.
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> 7/29/2009 at 12:00pm Noon Pacific

Webcast: DTS Conversion to SSIS – Conversion Best Practices
Join this webcast and Learn how and why to convert DTS to SSIS. See how you can save time and money and easily migrate your DTS packages to SSIS – the webcast includes:
– Introduction to SSIS and its differences vs. DTS
– Advantages of SSIS over DTS
– Options for converting DTS packages to native SSIS
– Adding value to packages during the conversion process
– Assessing the scope of a DTS conversion project

Presented by: Brian Knight.

> Register Now
> 8/5/2009 at 12:00pm Noon Pacific

Featured White Paper(s)
How to Manage and Configure SSIS Packages – A SQL Server Technical Article
Administering SSIS can be a challenging task for a DBA who’s not familiar with the SSIS environment and some of the new hurdl… (read more)