
Getting Help with Your SQL Server Questions

Featured Article(s)
XML Namespaces
XML Namespaces are wrappings that ensure that there are no duplications of names in a project resulting in conflicts. Dr.Vanitha Vaidialingam examines the concept of namespace and how it can be used to an advantage in this article.

Getting Help with Your SQL Server Questions
I thought I would point out some of the great resources here at SSWUG.ORG – we just finished up the vConference and I am always surprised by the people that tell me "I didn’t know you had that at SSWUG.ORG!" So, thought I’d pass along the information here:

Script Library – 100’s of scripts ready to download and put to use. Plus, you can put your own scripts on the site and make them public or private.

Forums and List Servers (email-based) – ask questions, see other people’s questions, get answers, answer other’s questions. A great way to interact and see what’s happening. Forums let you use web-based tools for posting and list servers let you post with email.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions – the only community-based FAQ going. You can ask questions, see common questions, get answers. You can even post additional answers to questions, offering more than one option as a solution to questions.

Media Center – videos, podcasts, webcasts – all available and searchable. 100’s of how-to resources, ready to watch and/or listen to. These are not your father’s SQL Server videos. 🙂

We also have the whitepaper library, the product directory and of course the articles and more. Take a look around – since the re-design, we’ve heard great things about being able to find things more easily on the site – let us know what you think. You can also check out a video from our lead developer, here, about the changes.

Featured White Paper(s)
Uncovering a Hidden SQL Server Performance Killer
So youve checked all the likely suspects, but your SQL Server performance is still poor. Before you put that capital request… (read more)