
Free Community Event

Featured Article(s)
Static Methods and Thread Safety
A static method belongs to the class and a non-static method belongs to an instance of a class. That is, a non-static method can only be called on an object of a class that it belongs to. While a static method can access only static members, a non-static method can access both static and non-static members. This is because at the time when the static method is called, the class might not be instantiated (if it is called on the class itself). On the other hand, a non-static method can only be called when the class has been instantiated. A static method is shared by all instances of the class. Further, whenever a method is called in C++/Java/C#, an implicit argument (the ‘this’ reference) is passed along with/without the other parameters. In case of a static method call, the ‘this’ reference is not passed as an implicit argument. This is because static methods belong to a class and hence do not have the ‘this’ reference. This article takes a look at static methods and how we can synchronize access to them to avoid collisions.

Free Community Event – TomorrowRegister Now
Our next community event is tomorrow – you need to register right away – this is a free event and open to everyone. We’ll have information on SQL Server, SharePoint, BI, Silverlight and more. We’ve pulled together about a half-day worth of presentations and information – Donald Farmer, Callahan, Chris Shaw, Tim Heuer and more.

We’re pulling together these events – probably on a quarterly basis – as virtual user group meetings. We started with the SQL Server 2008 Launch event in the fall of last year and we were overwhelmed with the response – well over 500 people attended!

This event features all sorts of great content and continues with the idea of a virtual user group meeting by bringing you a great breadth of information.

To get registered, just head here and click the big button.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Featured White Paper(s)
Real-Time Data Integration for the SQL Server Data Warehouse
The Microsoft SQL Server database is becoming an increasingly popular platform for hosting data warehouse and operational rep… (read more)