
Finding SQL Server Work

Featured Article(s)
Microsoft Access 2003 Linked Server on SQL Server 2008 using the JET and MSDASQL Providers
This article is about configuring a linked Microsoft Access 2003 Server on SQL 2008 to access data on a Microsoft Access database. The article describes in detail how to set up and use such a linked server on Microsoft’s latest database product, the MS SQL Server 2008. The OLE DB Providers MSDASQL and Microsoft JET OLE DB providers are compared.

Molecular MDX: Select
Part 2: Welcome to the new, SSWUG-exclusive Molecular MDX series! Join BI Architect Bill Pearson as he uses the TopCount(), TopPercent(), and TopSum() functions to select "top" elements from multiple perspectives.

SelectViews Show – Special Edition!
(135) SelectViews: Special – Optimizing Backup and Restore Performance – Thomas LaRock
[Watch the Show Here]

Finding SQL Server Work
I’ve had a few people now write in with very similar requests – how do I find work in this economy if I’ve been working in the SQL Server field for any length of time? I’ve been called over-qualified, etc. – how do I use experience to my advantage rather than have it as a disadvantage in so many cases? Here’s a partial example question, that I’d love to have your thoughts and suggestions about:

"What is the market like for seasoned experts like me with over 15 years in the trenches. All of the jobs now available are telling me that I am over qualified. I have dealt with secure content replication, site to site load balanced replication of SQL Servers and designed and built my share of Co-Location sites. Some of these sites had to pass American Express Security audits as well some with the Department of Defense.

I was going to see about getting a SQL Master Certification but [while looking for employment, that won’t be an option cost-wise]. I can also write a good whitepaper in regards to the hidden detrimental issues of using SQL Server in a virtual environment. But that doesn’t make friends or put food on the table.

So what does a person with all of the experiences and skills to handle anything SQL Server related do in this new economy?"

I’d love to post some suggestions from both the employer and job-seeker standpoint – if you have feedback, please drop me a note here.

Featured White Paper(s)
Delivering the Corporate Ideal of Integrated Application and Database Protection
A growing number of challenges arise as databases grow, back up windows shrink and recovery time objectives get more aggressi… (read more)

Using Business Continuity to Ensure Uninterrupted Operations
Describing some of the technologies and approaches for achieving business continuity, this whitepaper show how to develop and… (read more)