
Favorite Reads

Favorite Reads
Following is my list of books I keep near at hand as reference or personal study. Many times I will read a book through not with the intention of complete comprehension; my goal is to understand the contents of the book and get the big picture. Later I will drill into content attempting to implement examples or build something off the examples that is of more interest to me.

Other material, primarily the periodicals, I read just to keep current with new features and functionality in tools and techniques. There are many more books than those listed here. I tried to simply keep it to my top favorites.

  • Inside SQL Server Series by Kalen Delaney
  • Succeeding With Agile by Tim Lister
  • Refactoring Databases: Evolutionary Database Design by Scott Ambler
  • Agile Database Techniques: Effective Strategies for the Agile Software Developer by Scott Ambler
  • C# In a Nutshell: The Definitive Reference by Joseph Albahari and Ben Albahari
  • Programming Microsoft LINQ in Microsoft . Net Framework 4 by Paolo Pialorsi and Marc Russo
  • The Clean Coder: A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers by Robert C Martin
  • Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C# by Robert C. Martin
  • Foundations of Object Oriented Programming Using .Net 2.0 Patterns by Christian Gross
    I carry this book in my briefcase constantly. I wish it was updated with the current .Net framework.
  • The Definitive Guide to MongoDB: The NoSQL Database for Cloud and Desktop Computing by Eelco Plugge, Tim Hawkins and Pter Membrey
  • SQL Server Magazine
  • Oracle Magazine

Here are some of the reads submitted by readers..

Love your daily dose of knowledge! ??

One of the best books I’ve ever read is “Head First Design Patterns” form O’Reilly. (Although written for Java it is easily understandable for other languages. It is well written, easy to follow and understand.)

On the Reporting Services side I have found “Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Recipes: for Designing Expert Reports” to be a great book. A lot of good techniques for reports are discussed.

Matt’s list of online resources:

ASPConf (Free Video Sessions

WPF, MVVM, Testing Legacy Code…

Design For Software

Windows Azure: Lessons from the Field

The Morning Brew

How HTML 5 Makes Windows Suck Less:

Structuring JavaScript Applications:

Teaching Kids to Make Their Own Games with Kodu:

Fluid Android Layouts

Extending Knockout JS – Hiking Your Way Through the Knockout Forest

Intro to WinRT API

Even though I won’t be continuing this as a main topic, I would enjoy sharing your selections in future newsletters. So, send my your top must read list in Email to btaylor@sswug.org.




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