
FatDB – Windows Based No-SQL Engine

FatDB – Windows Based No-SQL Engine
I regularly watch for non-relational emerging technologies as I experience greater needs for large scale, high performance data access. Recently I came across FatDB as a framework for NoSQL and much more.

One of the things that sets it apart from most other NoSQL platforms is that it is first written to operate natively in a windows environment, primarily on Windows Communication Foundation. Most NoSQL platforms I have seen were written to work in LINUX and connectivity to windows tools is later ported into the product.

Key features I found interesting on FatDB are already found in other NoSQL platforms.

  • Distributed copies of data with eventual consistency
  • Memory based Caching
  • Versioned objects
  • Data Affinity to optimize programs
  • Indexing of objects
  • Support for Map/Reduce processes
  • Integration with Hadoop

Many of these features are common in only the most mature products. It may be worth your while to take a look at FatDB.




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