
Do You Know SSWUG.ORG?

Webcast: SQL Server and SharePoint Data Integration
SharePoint’s Data View web part can do much more than just view data. It can serve as a complete front-end to your SQL Server (and other data store) information allowing you to create robust applications without writing code. In this session, you will see just how to create such an application including conditional graphics. You’ll even learn how to pass data from SQL Server into a SharePoint Designer workflow for business process automation.
Presented by: Ricky Spears

> Register Now
> Live date: 10/6/2010 at 12:00 Pacific

Featured Article(s)
Building Simple Reports with Reporting Services (Part 5 of 5)
In this part we will cover how to set up a shared schedule. We will talk about how to create report snapshots. Last we will cover the final steps in building a simple report with Reporting Services

Featured White Paper(s)
eBook: Oracle Performance Tuning with Solid State Disk by Mike Ault
The book is written by Oracle expert, Mike Ault, with contributions from Jamon Bowen, Joe Bromley, and Matt Key, all experts … (read more)

Featured Script
Article – sput_AllocateDiskSpace’
Extends the Database Size to allocate enough space to rebuild clustered indexes in the same database… (read more)

Do You Know SSWUG?
I’m busy like the rest of you. I don’t have time to go and see all the rich content available on SSWUG. There is just so much. But with the budgets shrinking, the value of SSWUG continues to grow.

Most of us have had conference budgets cut so that we can not physically attend more than one, or even one per year. However, the virtual conferences SSWUG hosts reduce the cost dramatically allowing you to keep your skills fresh, and incorporate new ideas into your job.

SSWUG has hundreds of SQL scripts that have been submitted by members for years. I find some real gems in that archive.

SSWUG has forums for your questions. Have you tried using them for your Questions? I have learned things simply by looking at questions to see if I know the answers.

What about the Media. There are hundreds of pod casts hosted by SSWUG. I find this great to keep aware of the industry, techniques for optimizing my job or servers, or just new tips and techniques for getting stuff done.

I know this sounds like an advertisement, and Yes, I am being paid to write this. But I chose this topic myself because of the value I find in the SSWUG contents for doing my daily work as a Database Architect and Administrator. If I’m dealing with an issue, I search SSWUG first, then I go to Google. The proprietary content as well as the links to other providers usually resolves my problem.

To me SSWUG is like a great cup of hot chocolate. Sip and enjoy. There is too much for a single swallow.

Want to let me know what you like about SSWUG, or things you’d like to see…send your comments to ben@sswug.org.
