
Corporate DNA

As humans we are members of many different social groups, each with its own individual DNA. One of those groups we probably share is that of an IT professional. Regardless of your specific skillset or expertise, there are things you share with other technical professionals in your organization.

Since the DNA of the organization consists of all participants you have the ability, and the responsibility, to control your own personal contributions. So what is important for us as individuals to contribute to the corporate DNA? Let me suggest a list that may be useful for you:

  • Corporate ownership of the work. This is expressed by shared responsibility for work completion. You don’t see individuals working long hours while others punch a clock.
  • Collaboration is frequent and expected.
  • Individuals are committed to maintaining and enhancing their own skills
  • Individuals assist others in acquiring skills
  • Quality and Excellence are core values
  • Openness and communication are embraced rather than maintaining islands of knowledge

I’m sure there are many more ways an individual may contribute to a corporate DNA. Why not add to the list in your comments here, or by Email to btaylor@sswug.org.

