
Characteristics of a Architectural DBA

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Characteristics of a Development DBA
As a continuation of Characteristics for a DBA, today I am considering the role of the Database designer. In my opinion, this title represents the DBA who designs what the Operations DBA maintains.

This is a completely different set of skills. In fact, the goals are somewhat different so that conflict between the two different roles may arise.

  • Loves Change in a Good Way – Perfects and extends database design and performance strategies
  • Documents – Schema (ERD) and Procedural Interfaces
  • Security Guru – Understands and implements Schemas, Views, Stored Procedures, Alias, etc. effectively resulting in reduced exposure
  • Thirsts for Technology – Craves a thorough understanding of database design techniques and query methods resulting in optimized performance. Learns the nuances of the database engine
  • Expands Skills Beyond Database Code – Understands the impact of the database design on the consumers (walk in the other guys shoes). Able to contribute to ORM
  • Requires Accuracy – Thoroughly tests Database Procedural Code, Schema accuracy and default data (lookup table contents)
  • Follows Release Process – Manages Release of Database Change efficiently in conjunction with application code. This process reduces the conflict with Operations though clear communication of change.

Tomorrow we’ll look at a the characteristics of a Database Architect…the individual who puts all the different SQL Server technologies together resulting in a complete persistence architecture with ETL, Data Warehousing, Broker Services, Reporting, SharePoint, etc.

As always, your comments are welcome. Send you additions, contradictions or comments for DBA characteristics (or anything else for that matter) in an email to btaylor@sswug.org.

