
Another Database Management Tool – 0xDBE

Jet Brains creates a lot of my favorite tools and utilities. I really like Resharper. Lots of developers don’t like it. So, it’s a kind of personal thing. Then there is the Team City build suite. Super easy to learn and use. Works great in windows and Linux. They even have a tool for tracking work , much like an electronic scrum tool.

They have been working on a generic database editing tool called 0xDBE that has been open to the community for a long time. It helps with intellisense, table design, version control, and much more. If you work in SQL Server, it probably doesn’t have much new. However, it is not restricted to SQL Server. I’m not up to date on the current progress, but, It would be like having the power of SQL Server Management Studio while working with a MySql database.

This is a position TOAD used to fulfill. But, it has gone commercial. I’m not sure how much JegBrains will be charging for 0xDBE when it reaches full release status. If it is like their other products, it will be reasonably priced so that every database developer can use it. In the meantime, it is in a pre-release status, where you can download and use the product, and provide input to further development. It is definitely pre-beta, so make sure you can back it out.

If you want to read more about the pre-release status of 0xDBE, you can find information at https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/DBE/0xDBE+1.0+EAP.

This is an un-solicited editorial about 0xDBE. I just like products that provide great value for the price, and are available to individual developers without breaking our pocket books.

