Actionable Data
I was reading the results of a survey about the capability of current data engines to capture data real time and present the data to decision makers in a manner resulting in Actionable Data.
My initial gut reaction was, “Is real time data more Actionable?” I’m already feeling overwhelmed by the amount of data surrounding me, and my ability to turn it into Actionable data.
Here are a few factors I think of in relationship to Actionable Data…
- Accuracy
- Appropriate Level of Aggregation
- Completeness
- Timeliness
Given these factors it would seem to be a large challenge to fulfill in a real time system. That’s putting things mildly.
So, I’m wondering if this is really something companies find important? Is the quest of real time Actionable Data based on known lost opportunities, or is it based the sheer volume of un-processed data resulting in a feeling that something in that large morass requires attention?
What do you think? Are we behind the curve? Share your thoughts by writing to
The Life of Tools Reader Feedback
Anytime we see vendor specific technologies touted as the future direction of software development or anything else, we should be nervous. Until a whole group of folks agree on a certain standard, there is always the danger that we are investing in a short term asset.
This struck a nerve with me. You see, I’ve been in the business for 30+ years. And during that time, I have learned that quick evolution of product is sometimes a bad thing. As you stated … as soon as you finish your software… the platform is obsolete.
This is why during the last 12 years, I have switched to development platforms that have very little evolution. My life has been much better. I can actually complete a piece of software and move on to the next. Now – I can realistically expect my software to last about ten years or more. This is a lot better for me and anyone using the software.
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