
Accidental Programmer

With Stephen Wynkoop and Sam Brace
Watch this edition for interviews with DotCloud’s CEO Solomon Hykes and IT Career Coach Laura Rose.
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Accidental Programmer
One of our favorite topics here at SSWUG is the issues facing the Accidental DBA. This is the person who, for one reason or another, ends up supporting and sometimes developing a relational database engine, with limited or no formal training. Oftenm the Accidental DBA started out as a developers having to cover the database role because the company is too small, or technical people are not available.

I’m curious if there is a counterpart to the Accidental DBA I’d like to call the Accidental Programmer. This might be a person who is a business analyst, or a subject matter expert in a department, unable to get technical resources to help them solve a problem. Therefore, they roll up their sleeves, do some research, and do their best to write software to solve their problem.

I’m just curious, how many of you got into software development as an Accidental Programmer? Maybe you were working in an operations area writing tools to optimize your job and found your preferred programming instead? Maybe you’re going through the process today?

Why not send me an email at btaylor@sswug.org and share your story? Or, better yet, if there really is an Accidental Programmer, why not share some tips for becoming a better programmer? There’s nothing like being in the trenches.




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