
A SQL Server Idea

Webcast –
Save Your Spot – Understand How Recovery Pieces Fit Together
Learn about managing your SQL Server data recovery vulnerabilities

In this session we’ll look into the different options you have available to protect your SQL Server investment. Learn about backup and restore, log shipping, replication and other tools you can use to help reduce risk. Find out what is involved, the pros and cons and where you can go to learn more about each option.

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> Live date: 2/25/2009

Featured Article(s)
Tips for using SQL Server 2005 Table Hints (Part 1)
In this article you can find some helpful tips to use SQL Server 2005 table hints.

You Run Defrag on Your Disks, Yes?
Did you know you may also need to do the same for your databases, indexes and such? SQL Server is constantly updating, adding new information and generally doing all the data-oriented things you ask it to. These things can add up to less-than-optimal fragmentation for your databases. You can save really significant time in updating your system and keeping it finely tuned by automating the process of checking and updating these fragmentation areas. SQL Defrag Manager from Idera will take care of all of this for you. Take a look – grab your 14-day trial and use it to optimize your system today.

It’s Free-Idea Wednesday!
I was driving along, noticed inside a Prius (I think) on the dashboard was a gauge of the efficiency of the driving for that vehicle. Interesting. As the car stopped, things got "better" (more endurance) and acceleration and such seemed to indicate less-efficient, more costly impact on the car. All of this from outside the car, but bear with me – even if I misinterpreted the gauges, still…

Wouldn’t it be cool if SQL Server had the same type of proactive feedback? I’m not talking about data collector, profiler or whatever – I mean a true "consumption" gauge – how hard is SQL Server working and proactively letting me know when things were good, less positive and in trouble.

This is a step beyond just looking for spikes and trends – it’s more about learning how your system is behaving and, perhaps, what you could do to enhance the usage during the slower times or lower your impact during the high-times. Could you reschedule a report? Change a suite of queries? Update some other options that would spread things out or lessen the peaks?

I think it could be very interesting. You’d have to build it to be low-impact, you don’t want to drag on the server just so you can seen when you’re… dragging on the server.

As the gauges I think I saw on the car could work to help you be a more efficient driver, I think perhaps that type of feedback on your SQL Server might also help and help you optimize things a bit on the server.

There you have it – hopefully at least an interesting thought for the day. What do you think?

Featured White Paper(s)
Practical Guide to Database Security & Compliance
This white paper reviews 5 principles to securing your company’s databases and provides you with an approach for reconciling … (read more)