Right now, as you’re reading this, the SSWUG.org virtual conference is happening. Click here to head over to take a look: http://www.sswugvc.com So much great information – how-to sessions, best practices, presenters from around the world. Won’t you join us? It’s happening all day today, and it’s free! http://www.sswugvc.com
Author: Stephen Wynkoop
Last Day: Free Virtual Conference Tomorrow!
If you haven’t registered yet, today’s the day. The SSWUG virtual conference is tomorrow, and it’s free! Check it out here: http://www.sswugvc.com It’s easy to register, very fast and there will be three tracks of sessions, amazing speakers and the opportunity to visit the exhibit hall to learn more about some excellent solutions and services. Did I mention it’s free? […]
SSWUG.ORG Free Virtual Conference in 5 days!
The SSWUG.org virtual conference starts in just a few days – I’m very excited to bring the speakers and sessions and services that you can rely on! We have speakers from literally around the world, here to make sure you know about ideas, concepts, best practices, specific how-to information and so much more. It’s been great to see it all […]
Will Fake News Become Fake Data?
These are interesting times to be working with data – from the issues that Facebook has seen with sharing information without consent and their ongoing response to that whole thing to the breaches and other illicit accesses to information. From data trust issues to IT trust issues in a much broader sense. There have been a number of things happening […]
Data Centers and Geographic Requirements
A shift is happening in the overall data space – it’s in part due to the GDPR, but it’s also in part due to the actual possibility of addressing it. That may sound weird, but the shift that we’re starting to see is that customers of one of our global services are starting to care more and more about where […]
SQL Server RAT in the mix.
The creativity of some hackers and malicious actors is just amazing. There is a new bit of malware out there now that highlights some new approaches that I think we’ll start to see more of, and at the same time, incorporates SQL Server, which (at least since some infamous older issues) hasn’t been the specific key component of issues for […]
SQL Server instance growth, management
I was reading an interesting article in DBTA (April/May 2018, “The Headaches of Microsoft SQL Server Sprawl“) and it was clear that so many of us are facing some pretty significant challenges when it comes to managing SQL Server instances. Particularly true if you consider “SQL Server instances” to include your Azure instances and/or managed instances on Azure and AWS. […]
Data science includes all sorts of new opportunities
In reading through a post on eWeek about why companies aren’t adopting machine learning with their data systems in large numbers yet, it’s clear that data responsibilities are continuing to morph as companies figure out what to do with all of the information (actually, data) now that it’s being captured and retained. One of the things that has been mentioned […]
Inventory control and your databases….
No, not the “what servers do you have and what do they have on them” variety necessarily. In a previous life, inventory and point of sale systems were a focus, and one of the great things that we could nearly always point to surrounded that initial inventory of the store location – their stuff on the shelves. So many times, […]
Where to Start is Often the Question – Here’s Help
One of the bigger challenges as you get your footing with your databases and start addressing all sorts of issues of security, compliance and such – is where to start. How do you know what’s missing or needs attention when there are so many different areas that may indeed need attention? We’ve talked about all sorts of things, from encryption […]