Author: SSWUG Research


XML: HTML Done Right

First, it was HTML that transformed the previously text-based Internet into a dynamic graphical marketplace. Then, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the Web standards body, began work on an extensible markup language (XML) standard in order to carry the Net to the next level. If HTML broke ground


Embracing Web Services

by Edd Dumbill- Greg Hope laid out the future of web business as Microsoft sees it, and especially the role of XML technologies, in a talk entitled, "Web Services: Requirements, Challenges and Opportunities" at XML DevCon in San Jose on Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2000. Hope, an architect of the .


SQL Server 2000 Evaluation Edition

Order the Evaluation Edition* of SQL Server 2000—and explore how to build the next-generation of scalable Web applications. As a part of the Microsoft .NET Enterprise Servers, SQL Server 2000 offers you scalability for the most demanding environments. SQL Server 2000 dramatically reduces your time t


A Uniform Interface for Authoring

by Edd Dumbill- In the first session of the XML DevCon Fall 2000 conference, Greg Stein delivered an introduction to WebDAV, the Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning protocol. Stein is an open source developer working with WebDAV and Python — he is the author of the mod_dav Apache DAV support,


The Basics of XHTML

-Scott Klein-We all know the history of HTML and how it came about from the pains of SGML so I'll spare you the details you’ve heard many times before. My intent today is to discuss XHTML and its background. In this article we'll discuss the basics of XHTML, what it is, how it originated, ho


SQL Server 6.5 Configuration

Memory – This is the single most important parameter to configure on your system. Memory is used for a variety of things within SQL Server. Upon start up, a portion of this is used management the number of connections (40K), locks (32 bytes), and open objects configured on the server. The remaining