This is an example of showing how to render HTML from an XML file completely on the server-side. Demo is shown and downloadable code is available.
Author: SSWUG Research
Basic Syntax of an XML File
This example shows the layout of an XML file.
Basic Syntax of an XSL File
This example shows the layout of an XSL file.
Wrox Press Sample Chapter 1- XSLT PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE
This manuscript is an abridged version of a chapter from the Wrox Press book XSLT PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE . This is chapter 1 – 'XSLT IN CONTEXT' and is about the purpose of XSLT and the task it was designed to perform. It's about what kind of language it is and how it fits in with al
SOAP: Simple Object Access Protocol
SOAP is a lightweight protocol for exchange of information in a decentralized, distributed environment. It is an XML based protocol that consists of three parts: an envelope that defines a framework for describing what is in a message and how to process it, a set of encoding rules for expressing ins
Microsoft XML Parser Technology Preview Release
The May 2000 Microsoft XML Parser Technology Preview is an update to the March 2000 technology preview. This latest release of MSXML provides improved XSLT/XPath standard compliance, Simple API for XML support, and a number of bug fixes
XML Documents and Stored Procedures on SQL Server
This article shows how to build XML documents from existing data on Microsoft SQL Server using stored procedures. By combining two common techniques, I'll show you how to better divide the database services tier and the business logic tier, and what gains can be achieved with such an approach. F
Oracle plans upgrade of treasury software
(Marc L. Songini) Oracle Corp. this week plans to announce enhancements to its treasury management applications that are designed to give end users faster access to financial data plus beefed-up regulatory compliance tools.