Author: SSWUG Research


Axis Powers: Part One

by Bob DuCharme – XPath expressions play an important role in XSLT because they let stylesheet instructions flexibly identify the parts of the input document — or, in XSLT terms, the nodes of the source tree — to act on. Let's review the basics. An XPath expression consists of one or more loca


Professional XML Databases

In this book, we look at how to integrate XML into your current relational data source strategies. With the increasing amount of data stored in relational databases, and the importance of XML as a format for marking up data – whether it be for storage, display, interchange, or processing – you need


Upgrade Your E-Performance

By Jeffrey Bane – When it comes to database optimization for e-commerce, maximum performance for the Web user takes precedence over all else. Probably in no other type of dynamic application does SELECT statement performance take such priority over inserts and updates. (I say dynamic because an OLAP