Author: SSWUG Research


SQL Server Outputs an XML Stream

Marquis Howard tells us…I just finished a project in which my company did some things with XML and Extensible Style Language Transformations (XSLT) that no one on the team had done before. The task at hand was to convert some existing Cold Fusion reports to Active Server Pages (ASP) reports.


XML Console

XML Console lets you centralize batch conversion, validation, and documentation management of schemas and XML business documents within a workgroup. You can use XML Console as a configurable command center for the organization and subsequent processing of XML document files.


XML for Managers

The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is being developed to enable delivery of SGML information over the Web while overcoming the limitations of HTML. The momentum building behind the XML effort means that XML is inevitably destined to become the mainstream technology for powering broadly functional


XML Authority

Create, edit, validate, convert and manage XML schemas and DTDs with XML Authority. This comprehensive tool provides a complete environment for developing XML schemas and helps you convert existing application and document structures to schemas.


WROX Press Competition!

This WROX competition will run for 3 weeks and is completely free to enter! 10 people will win a free book from WROX Press. But wait, there's more! When you win you get to choose which book you want. Here are the two brand new WROX Press books you can choose from if you are 1 of the 10 lucky