his unique introductory SQL tutorial not only provides easy-to-understand SQL instructions, but it allows you to practice what you learn using the on-line SQL interpreter.
Author: SSWUG Research
VoiceXML tutorials
Adding VoiceXML to your Web site can be an effective way to make your content accessible to many more customers. This is Part I of a comprehensive tutorial on the VoiceXML specification, so get ready to have some fun and be sure to come back for Part II where we will develop a complete dynamic Voice
MSXML 3.0 Illustrated
XML is becoming more and more popular, so are it's surrounding technologies like XSLT, SOAP, etc. Microsoft is doing good job keeping up with the standards and it was proved when MSXML 3.0 was released in November last year. MSXML 3.0 Web release is a perfect DOM based XML parser, with SAX 2.0 s
Identity and Primary Keys – Part I
If you are an Access user, or migrated from Access to SQL Server, you may think that a primary key and an Identity/Autonumber column are the same thing. Well, they’re not, and there are some very good reasons NOT to use an Identity column for the primary key on your tables.
SQL Server 2000 Wins eWEEK eXcellence Award
SQL Server 2000 has claimed eWEEK's 2001 eXcellence Award for best enterprise systems development tool.
XSLT experts petition against script element
A group of respected XSLT experts have created a petition against the xsl:script element, recently added to the XSLT 1.1 Working Draft. The element is considered harmful to the portability of XSLT sheets, and contradictory to the statement that "XSLT is not intended as a completely ge
XML for Absolute Beginner – A Short Tutorial
Welcome to the wonderful world of Extensible Markup Language (XML). This short article is an effort to explain what XML is, what are it's benefits, and briefly describe some of standards evolving around it.
.Net has XML on its Menu
by Dan Wahlin It's no secret that XML can be used in a variety of ways, ranging from exchanging data in complex business-to-business (B2B) transactions to providing structure for application configuration files. As XML continues to gain software support, it's a safe bet that XML's u
Stored Procedures: Parameters, Inserts and Updates
From SQL Team.com, Darrell writes "I need to figure out how to run a query and get a recordset row. With the data from that recordset I need to create create a new row changing the primary key. The old row then needs to have status fields updated. I hope that is clear." I'll discuss pass
SQL Server crosstab utility
Welcome to RAC, the R(eplacement) for the A(ccess) C(rosstab) query, written exclusively for MS Server 7 and S2k. Use RAC to produce basic crosstab tables. Take advantage of the many computational and report type features to create more elaborate tables. Use RAC to perform various data manipulations