From SQL Team…We dealt with a recruiter question once before and had fun with it. This is the first recruiter question since then so I thought I'd give it a shot. I'll tell you how I came up with a solution built entirely on articles published on SQLTeam!
Author: SSWUG Research
Server-side Caching
Even if you fine-tune your database, your ADO code, your network, and so on, you will find that there is another way that beats them all when it comes to performance: caching. Caching is an old technique for increasing performance by storing frequently-used data on the server, therefore reducing cos
Knowledge Technologies 2001: Conference Diary
by Edd Dumbill. The first ever Knowledge Technologies conference, hosted by the GCA, is taking place in Austin, Texas this week. It is attended by a mixed audience of librarians, AI experts, knowledge management technologists, and the Web community. As far as XML is concerned, this means people from
Certified Training Manual
The Certified Training Manual of the XMLComponents targets software developers who need to be autonomous with the XMLComponents technology. This manual is very pragmatic, and is built around workshops. It provides a lot of samples to build step-by-step.
Handling Custom Errors in a Client Application
In this article, Garth discusses how to use access custom error messages generated by SQL Server with the Errors Collection of ADO. This is a follow up to the earlier Handling Errors in Stored Procedures article.
Answers from Microsoft
In this article from SQL Server Magazine, Richard Waymire, lead program manager for SQL Server development at Microsoft, will answer several questions.
LeapfrogXML, Inc., Announces the Industry's First Smart Web Services Company
LeapfrogXML(TM), Inc., announced the launch of its company, which has developed the first smart Web services for IT consulting companies, ASP's, Telco's and other customers. The company's mission is to be the leading provider of eBusiness Web services software that give enterprises the a
Toward an XPath API
by Leigh Dodds Since XSLT and XPointer rely on XPath, developers are asking whether an XPath API should be created.
Telera Announces VoiceXML 1.0 Compliance
Telera, the Voice Web Infrastructure Company(SM), announced its conformance to Version 1.0 of the VoiceXML specification — an open programming language that makes Web content and Web-based applications accessible via any telephone through the use of voice commands or traditional touchtone input. Ba
Made2Manage Systems Announces New Version 4.0 SQL Release
Enterprise application provider Made2Manage Systems Inc. announced at National Manufacturing Week the upcoming release of its new version 4.0 software product. Called the Enterprise Edition, Made2Manage 4.0 will feature the company's flagship Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) product. The new s