Author: SSWUG Research


.Net Gets XML Right

Jim Rapoza, eWEEK Labs Perhaps creating a product in a new field where there are no established leaders to catch up to (or copy) is a good thing for Microsoft Corp. The company's BizTalk Server 2000 is an excellent platform for managing XML data processing among businesses and is one of the


Implementation of XSLT 1.1

XSLT is a language to create so called "stylesheets" containing transformation rules for XML documents. A XSLT processor allows you to apply the stylesheet to a XML document. The transformed output document can be another XML document, a HTML document or any text document.


Version-proof Your Data

Versioning data is an ancient practise in databases. A time-stamp field is added to the database tables to record when the update happened. Many developers use the time stamp to ensure that the update makes sense: Is this user submitting some older data that wipes out newer data?