Author: SSWUG Research


Schemas by Example

by Leigh Dodds – The finish line is now in sight for the members of the W3C XML Schemas Working Group. The XML Schema specifications are an important step closer to completion with their promotion to Proposed Recommendation status. All that remains now is for Tim Berners-Lee, as Director of the W3C,


XML Query Engine

By Piroz Mohseni – Awhile ago, I was looking for an XML search utility. My application had to search a relatively large number of XML files (they were small files) on a periodic basis. The primary goal was to find out if there was a match or not, but sometimes we needed to extract the "found&#34


Tip: Aliasing Server Names

By Tom Moreau – On a recent contract, the client was a large financial institution with thousands of machines—servers and workstations. They had a somewhat standardized naming convention for machines, involving some letters, followed by a W or S for workstation or server, followed by a five-digit nu


Schemantix XMLForms

XMLForms dynamically generates a graphical user interface from any valid XML document or schema. The technology therefore instantly creates a dynamic and interactive front-end to any application using XML at its core. The applications for this type of flexible technology are numerous and include any


XML: 11 best practices

These XML guidelines are not solely for technical staff. Enterprise business leaders from the CEO down should understand the many dimensions at work. These guidelines will set expectations, guide spending, establish policy, and determine where the enterprise will realize top- and bottom-line revenue