Author: SSWUG Research


Visual XSLT

Visual XSLT is a plugin for Microsoft Visual Studio.NET that adds an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Extensible Style Language Transformations (XSLT). The program's Editor, Debugger and Project Manager bring an XSLT editing environment to Visual Studio that provides: syntax checkin


XML aids content publishing

As the number of new computing devices and new data formats grows, so, too, is demand for ways to create content once and repurpose it for multiple platforms without duplicating their work for each medium. Adobe Systems Inc. may have one answer. At the Seybold Seminars Boston conference last wee


XP Meets XML

Extreme Programming (XP) is a software development methodology that has been causing as much of a stir in development communities as has XML. XP is the brain child of Kent Beck and has been around since 1996, although over the last year or so it has been rapidly gaining acceptance by an increasing n