Many times it is desirable to specify at run-time upon which element our xml should be sorted on. Here's how we can do that.
Author: SSWUG Research
Embarcadero Technologies Introduces SQL Tuner to Improve the Quality of SQL Code
Embarcadero Technologies, Inc., a leading provider of database lifecycle management solutions, today announced the availability of Embarcadero SQL Tuner, an easy-to-use software tool that allows database professionals to create and tune database code to optimize the efficiency and speed of the datab
Not All SQL Server Indexes Are Created Equal
If you have much experience with indexes at all, you are probably already familiar with the difference between clustered and non-clustered indexes. But this article is not about them. This article is about whether or not the SQL Server Query Optimizer will use your carefully crafted indexes. You ma
.Net has XML on its Menu
In this tutorial, the author examines the XML-friendliness of Microsoft's .NET framework. The main XML classes and what they do are examined, including how to reference a specific namespace working with XML in C# files within a .NET environment.
Visual XSLT
Visual XSLT is a plugin for Microsoft Visual Studio.NET that adds an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Extensible Style Language Transformations (XSLT). The program's Editor, Debugger and Project Manager bring an XSLT editing environment to Visual Studio that provides: syntax checkin
XML aids content publishing
As the number of new computing devices and new data formats grows, so, too, is demand for ways to create content once and repurpose it for multiple platforms without duplicating their work for each medium. Adobe Systems Inc. may have one answer. At the Seybold Seminars Boston conference last wee
International features in SQL Server 2000
This article introduces Microsoft SQL Server developers to the international features of SQL Server 2000. Topics covered include an explanation of Unicode, SQL Server international data types, and key issues regarding implementation.
MSXML 3.0 SP1 and 4.0 Technology Preview now available to download!
The Microsoft(r) XML Parser (MSXML) 3.0 SP1 release offers a number of key bug fixes over the MSXML 3.0 release. The MSXML 3.0 release provides: server-safe HTTP access; complete implementation of XSL Transformations (XSLT) and XML Path Language (XPath); changes to the Simple API for XML (SAX2) imp
XP Meets XML
Extreme Programming (XP) is a software development methodology that has been causing as much of a stir in development communities as has XML. XP is the brain child of Kent Beck and has been around since 1996, although over the last year or so it has been rapidly gaining acceptance by an increasing n
Do Java Jrogrammers Really Need SOAP?
First, a simple form of Web services can already be implemented with Java Servlets. A Servlet can receive an HTTP POST with an XML document as the content and return an XML document as the response.