Author: SSWUG Research


XSD Schema Tricks and Tips

By Kurt Cagle – Modern XML technology rests on three distinct legs: the XML specification itself, XSLT/XPath, and XML Schema. Schemas are significant not only in defining XML structures but also in providing data type capabilities to XML, adding a measure of object oriented programming support, and



XSLTunit from Examplotron author Eric van der Vlist applies the "test first programming" principle from Extreme Programming (XP) to bring unit testing to Extensible Style Language Transformations (XSLT) template development.


Protecting the Middle

by Xenos J. Sroka – One constant in this high-tech age is that nothing stays constant. Things change all the time, whether it's stock prices, Florida vote tallies, or even code. On more than one occasion, programmers have had to adjust the parameters of the stored procedures nestled in their dat


Using the Jena API to Process RDF

by Joe Verzulli – There has been growing interest in the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and a number of tools and libraries have been developed for processing it. This article describes one such library, Jena, a Java API for processing RDF. It is also the name of an open source implementation