WinSQL is a utility that uses ODBC to connect to different databases. You can connect to multiple data source at the same time. It also displays the database catalog information including table name, field name, stored procedures and their parameters. Moreover, it uses a multi-threaded architecture
Author: SSWUG Research
What are those words that trigger Echelon?
By Kieren McCarthy – According to various UK media sources today, the buzzwords said to trigger the US, UK, Canada, New Zealand spying mechanism Echelon have been "posted on the Internet". We haven’t found the file and it hasn’t popped up on the authoritative site for these sorts of things, Cryptome
An XSLT style sheet and an XML dictionary approach to internationalization
In this article, Laura Menke will show you how to leverage XML and XSLT technology to enable dynamic internationalization of your Web pages through a dictionary-driven approach. Provided is a sample of a generic XSLT style sheet that you can extend or include in your applications. Also included is a
What's New in SQL Server 2000
Microsoft has added a huge array of new features in the new release of SQL Server 2000. This exciting session will offer a high level overview of those new features. Subjects covered will include the new data types, cascading DRI, user defined functions, INSTEAD OF triggers, XML, distributed views,
Sun gives translets technology to Apache XML Project
By Natalie Walker Whitlock – Last week Sun Microsystems announced that it has donated its proprietary XSLT compiler technology to the open-source Apache XML Project. The Sun XSLT Compiler — also referred to informally as "translets technology" — will be made available to the nonprofit Apac
ADO Performance Tips
By Michael Otey – ADO is by far the most commonly used data-access middleware for retrieving data and updating SQL Server databases. However, ADO's default settings aren't always the best options for optimal performance. Here are seven ways you can boost ADO performance with SQL Server.
Zero Impact Sql Monitor
From SQL Power Tools – Industry breakthrough product that monitors what causes 80% of all database server performance problems – SQL statements. Other database monitors typically monitor only the high level resources of production database servers (i.e. the cause of only 20% of all database perform
Schema Scuffles and Namespace Pains
Edd Dumbill talks about how the W3C XML Schema Definition Language was released as a Recommendation at the beginning of May, at the Tenth International World Wide Web Conference. After collective sighs of relief were heaved, it would be unrealistic to expect silence to descend on the topic.
Glenayre Joins VoiceXML(TM) Forum
Glenayre Technologies Inc. (Nasdaq: GEMS), a leader in unified communications solutions, announced it has joined the VoiceXML(TM) Forum at the promoter level. The VoiceXML Forum's goal is to promote VoiceXML, a language enabling Internet-based telephone services and voice-enabled access to conte
XML Object Serialization in .Net
by Dan Wahlin – The .Net platform offers an incredible amount of XML-related features that provide programmers with more power and flexibility in building applications. The ability to persist object state using serialization techniques has long been a useful programming construct that has been great