by Bob DuCharme – The W3C's XSLT Recommendation (available at is a specification describing the XSLT language and the responsibilities of XSLT processors. If you're new to XSLT, the Recommendation can be difficult to read, especially if you're not familiar with
Author: SSWUG Research
XHTML will ease writing of apps for all types of devices
Sometimes Cindy Groner must feel like she's swimming in circles in a sea of acronyms. As director of mobile traveler services at Sabre Inc., Groner oversees a team of wireless developers who, in the process of coming up with new wireless services for Sabre's customers, must creat
OASIS announces RELAX, TREX to form RELAX NG
OASIS announced the renaming of the TREX technical committee to RELAX NG, reflecting "their decision to integrate TREX and RELAX in order to collaborate on a unified lightweight specification for validating XML-based languages."
Global Variables and SQL statements in DTS
For those fortunate enough to have SQL 2000, using global variables with an Execute SQL Task, or as part of the source statement in the DataPump task is now a standard feature. For those still using SQL Server 7.0 this tedious process, but here are some examples of how it can be done. Even if you ar
Beginning SQL Server 2000 for Visual Basic Developers
Book by Thearon Willis – Traditionally, many VB developers have used Microsoft Access as their database engine. While Microsoft Access is OK for smaller, individual or group-based applications, it just doesn't have the "right stuff" for enterprise-based applications. For the really big j
Can Web Services meet legal requirements?
The legal track at XML Europe 2001, chaired by Cecilia Magnusson Sjöberg, raised worrying issues about the legal implications of distributed services relative to privacy protection, information duties, and liability issues. Reading a presentation written by Nicklas Lundblad, Cecilia Magnu
Software AG and Datawatch Announce Alliance
Datawatch Corporation (NASDAQ:DWCH) and Software AG, Inc., Reston, Virginia, announced that Software AG will offer Datawatch's VorteXML(TM), a new software tool that allows users to easily convert structured text data or HTML into XML, and Datawatch will offer Software AG's native XML platfo
A general-purpose Java SOAP client
In this article Bob DuCharme describes a simple, general purpose SOAP client in Java that uses no specialized SOAP libraries. Instead of creating the SOAP request XML document for you under the hood, this client lets you create your own request with any XML editor (or text editor). Instead of merely
Do the Splits
By Kalen Delaney – In "More Fill-Factor Mysteries," May 2001, I demonstrated that SQL Server performs a page split when it needs to insert a row on a full page. To determine whether a split occurred, I examined the output from the DBCC IND command, which shows how many pages are in a table.
How SQL Compare Makes You a More Productive DBA
by Brad M. McGehee – If you are like most DBAs, you probably find yourself managing multiple versions of the same database. This process can sometimes become very frustrating as you try to ensure that each database’s objects are synchronized with each other. If you or others don’t keep good records