Recently released Perl modules for processing XML include XML::XSLT::Wrapper and XML::SAXDriver::CSV. XML::XSLT::Wrapper provides a unified interface from Perl to a variety of XSLT processors. Release 0.32 brings speedups, passing of input either as a string or as a filename, and various
Author: SSWUG Research
Sun Fortifies Java Development
Forte for Java 3.0 lets developers use Enterprise JavaBeans components not only to build enterprise applications, but also to create, publish, and subscribe to XML-based Web services.
A Convenient Way to Create Local Cubes
The Local Cube Creator is an inexpensive ($49.00) utility that allows you to create a local cube from an Analysis Server (or OLAP Server) cube. It is identical in functionality to the Local Cube Task, except for three things:
Numeric Primary Keys
From SQLTeam, Tim writes "The most obvious thing to do for records that have no unique column/s is to create an int identity column. For example, I have a 'address' table that should have a unique address_id for each record. Now, normally, I would configure a column address_id as 'in
What's New in SQL Server 2000
SQL Server 2000 gives users an excellent streamlined database platform for large-scale online transactional processing (OLTP), data warehousing, and e-commerce applications. This paper provides brief overviews of the improvements made to SQL Server version 7.0. SQL Server 2000 offers users a fully i
XML modules for Common Lisp
By Edd Dumbill – James Anderson has announced CL-XML, a collection of Common Lisp modules for parsing and serialization of XML, including XPath and XQuery processors.
The XML Handbook™, Third Edition
Author: Charles F. Goldfarb and Paul Prescod – The XML Handbook is the definitive entry point to XML for Web professionals — content developers, managers, and programmers — but you needn't be a programmer to read it. Although XML, like HTML, is derived from SGML (which was invented by one of t
Savor success with Java on the front end
Java architects and managers face the challenge of choosing among Swing-based, HTML-based, and XML-based front ends for their applications. In this article, Alex Kalinovsky shares his experiences with these three technologies, and provides criteria and tips for choosing among them in your Java devel
SQL Data Compare Keeps Data in Different Databases Synchronized
by Brad M. McGehee – In this article, I want to review another product from Red-Gate Software called SQL Data Compare. The names of these two products is very similar, so don’t get them confused. What SQL Data Compare does is to compare the data between two like databases, and if desired, it allows
Database coding conventions, best practices, programming guidelines
Databases are the heart and soul of many of the recent enterprise applications and it is very essential to pay special attention to database programming. I've seen in many occasions where database programming is overlooked, thinking that it's something easy and can be done by anyone. This is