By Joe Lax – One of the inherent difficulties in backup and contingency planning is that it usually takes only one thing to go wrong to bring down your entire system. To be truly successful, your backup plan must account for all possibilities. Unfortunately it's easy to forget to account for one
Author: SSWUG Research
XML on the Cheap
by Edd Dumbill – If you're new to XML, or simply want a starting point to play around with it a little, there are plenty of resources on the Web you can use for free, many without even installing software on your computer.
Understanding ebXML
ebXML is a big project with a lot of pieces. In this article David Mertz outlines how the pieces all fit together. This overview provides an introduction to the ebXML concept and then looks a bit more specifically at the representation of business processes, an important starting point for ebXML imp
Using Schema and Serialization to Leverage Business Logic
Eric Schmidt – In this issue of Extreme XML, we are going to examine the importance of schema usage and the use of serialization technology to leverage XML in your applications and services. The majority of development tasks today revolve around developers taking existing infrastructure (business co
Displaying Records from the Database with Java Servlets
This article will explain each step you need to know to display records from the database using Servlets. The steps for displaying records in JSP pages and Java Beans are almost the same. We will first build a small example Microsoft Access database, create a DSN for it and using JDBC ( Java Databas
SQL Probe
SQL Probe® is the first DBMS solution designed exclusively for Microsoft SQL Server monitoring and management. A 32-bit multi-tasking and multi-threaded application, SQL Probe's design and development includes input and feedback from Microsoft's Development and Primary Support teams, resulti
SQL Server comes of age
By DAN VERTON – Not so long ago, it was de rigueur for IT managers and analysts to ridicule Microsoft for selling enterprise database software that couldn't compete with Oracle and IBM in terms of scalability and reliability. How times have changed. Although Oracle and IBM
Electronic Publishing with XML
by John McKeown, Benjamin Jung – In this article, we describe the process of creating electronic publications using XML and related standards. This publishing procedure has been used to generate conference proceedings for the XML Europe 2001 Conference. We will describe the most important steps in t
XML-Like The Air That We Breathe
By Martin Marshall – XML is poised to affect just about everything corporate IS does, from E-commerce applications to legacy data. But the pervasive changes XML will bring about won't become apparent until the XML products under development hit the market later this year.
XHTML Basic for XML
by Jeff Jurvis – Creating and delivering content to mobile devices such as Web phones, pagers, and handheld devices such as those based on Palm and Pocket PC are a lot like creating and delivering content to desktop computers and other Web appliances. There are key differences, however. Developers h