Ovidiu Predescu has announced the release of xslt-process 2.0, a minor mode for GNU Emacs/XEmacs that adds XSLT processing and debugging capabilities to the popular kitchen-sink editor.
Author: SSWUG Research
] EIA XML Standard for Configuration Management Data Exchange and Interoperability.
A communiqué from Russell F. Moody of Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) reports on the recent release of the EIA Standard 836 for public review and comment. Developed by member organizations of the Government Electronics and Information Technology Association (GEIA), the EIA-836
XML Processing with Python
by Sean McGrath – Provides all the information, explanations, working examples, and software packages (on the accompanying CD-ROM) needed to start writing XML-processing applications in Python quickly. CD-ROM also includes several additional resources.
Working with XML Recordsets
By Dino Esposito – ADO provides the ability to automatically persist recordsets in XML. The Recordset object exposes the Save method, which can serialize to disk the in-memory representation of the recordset. The following Visual Basic (VB) code shows how to save a recordset to disk using XML as the
Deploying an additional subscriber into a merge architecture
Deploying merge replication is generally a simple process. You simply subscribe to a merge publication, allow the snapshot to transfer the schema and data, and you are up and running. What happens though when you have disconnected users, remote subscribers over slow links, unstable connections, or
SOAP InterOpera
Given SOAP's role as the underlying specification for Web services, the work being done on the SOAPBuilders discussion list regarding the state of XML, and particularly, SOAP interop has attracted a lot of attention on Web news sites, weblogs, and trade publications. XML Magazine Editor in Chief
Introduction to Cocoon, XML XSL
By Olivier Eymere – One of your largest problems is html. Html is is presentation oriented. When you write html the focus is on how the page will look. The actual data in the page is secondary to the layout. There are now many tools to help make web pages look nice but they do not help make sense of
First Public Working Draft for W3C XML Encryption Syntax and Processing.
The W3C XML Encryption Working Group has released a first public working draft for XML Encryption Syntax and Processing. The formal model for syntax is provided in W3C XML Schema notation. The working draft "specifies a process for encrypting data and representing the result in XML. The data may
Exporting Data Programatically with bcp and xp_cmdshell
This article demonstrates how to programmatically control bcp to generate text files. It uses dynamic SQL and xp_cmdshell to execute a call to bcp from within Query Analyzer.
The Ultimate SQL Server
by Brad M. McGehee – I don’t yet have my ultimate SQL Server. Yea, I do have a couple of “larger” servers, but not the kind I can really brag about at the upcoming SQLPass conference. So what if I could choose my ultimate SQL Server, what would I choose? After a little thought (about 5 nanoseconds),