New products aimed to enable large organisations to transform both documents and data into Web-ready content via a single platform are entering the market. Xenos d2e Platform is a transformation software designed to Web-enable complex documents, such as bills and statements.
Author: SSWUG Research
Adoption Strategies for XML Standards and the ebXML Infrastructure
By Duane Nickull – Deciding on an XML vocabulary is one of the critical decisions an organization can make. The most obvious option is to select an existing vocabulary. This presentation provides strategies for locating, reviewing, and selecting just the XML vocabulary to adopt. It also delves into
Logging in XML
John Punin announced the Log Markup Language (LOGML), an XML vocabulary designed for "mining data that has been collected from web server logfiles." LOGML works in concert with XGMML, an XML vocabulary for describing Web site structure.
SQL Fundamentals
The Structured Query Language (SQL) comprises one of the fundamental building blocks of modern database architecture. SQL defines the methods used to create and manipulate relational databases on all major platforms. At first glance, the language may seem intimidating and complex but it's real
FMS, Inc – Total SQL Analyzer – Now Shipping
FMS, Inc. announced the immediate availability of Total SQL Analyzer™, the first comprehensive documentation and analysis solution for Microsoft SQL Server. Providing comprehensive documentation of all objects, properties, and settings available in SQL Server, Total SQL Analyzer allows developers an
Math and XSLT
by Bob DuCharme – XSLT's full support of XPath's math capabilities lets you do all the basic kinds of arithmetic and a little more. Let's look at a stylesheet that demonstrates these capabilities by using the values from this document:
Produce dynamic Web pages with Java and XSLT
By Pramod Kankure – This article discusses two ways to produce dynamic Web pages with Java and XSLT by passing user-request parameters from a Java backend program to an XSLT style sheet used to render the Web page. The sample code demonstrates the use of the XSLTProcessor method and a custom method,
Octopus Extends Its Meta Applications Arm
Using standards such as XML and J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition), the Meta Application grabs information from predetermined databases and news sources like (Nasdaq: INTM), Yahoo! (Nasdaq: YHOO) and CNET Networks.
Improving Performance with SQL Server 2000 Indexed Views
This document describes the new indexed views capability of SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition. Indexed views are explained and specific scenarios in which they may provide performance improvements are discussed.
Professional SQL Server 7.0 Development Using SQL-DMO, SQL-NS, and DTS
The book goes into a lot of detail about how SQL Server 7.0 works under the covers and how you go about using those features within your applications. Most of the book uses Visual Basic and VBScript samples, but there is a chapter for C++ programmers at the end.