In several recent articles we explored the fundamental concepts of SQL, the process of creating databases and database tables and the art of retrieving data from a database using simple queries. This article expands on these topics and looks at using join techniques to retrieve data from multiple t
Author: SSWUG Research
The Aardvark Ridiculous Bug Competition – 'raise a bug'
We are giving away $2490 worth of bug tracking software usage from Red Gate Software in our new competition 'raise a bug'. The competition is very simple to enter – all you need to do is to raise a test 'bug' or 'issue' in the Aardvark competition database. To mak
VB 6.0 vs. VB.NET
By Michael Otey – I have an opinion about nearly everything, but I'm on the fence about Visual Basic (VB) 6.0 versus VB.NET. Microsoft and the VB.NET proponents claim that VB.NET is the next evolutionary step for VB—finally bringing to VB some of the advanced features that other languages have e
OASIS opens European office
OASIS, the XML business standards consortium, has increased its support for European members by opening an office in the Netherlands.
P2P and XML in Business
by Brian Buehling – Following the growth of business-to-business exchanges and supply chain management systems, the emergence of peer-to-peer (P2P) computing is likely to become another deployment arena for XML technology. Whether exchanging user messages, application state, or processing instructio
Professional XML Schemas
Professional XML Schemas exhaustively details the W3C XML Schema language, and teaches the new syntax in an intuitive and logical way. From declaring elements and attributes, creating complex content models and working with multiple namespaces, you'll move on to see how XML Schemas are used in r
Aggregate Functions in SQL
SQL provides several aggregate functions to assist with data summarization. In this article we explore the usage of SUM, AVG, COUNT, MIN and MAX.
PASS 2001: SQL Server Program Abstracts Available!
Welcome to Event Wizard, a tool that allows you to easily explore the PASS educational program. It enables you to search sessions in multiple categories including speaker name, company, topic area and keywords. This useful tool allows you to find exactly the program content that you need to get your
Unisys, SQL Server 2000 Set TPC-W Record
The Unisys e-@ction Enterprise Server ES7000 running Windows 2000 Datacenter Server and SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition set the record for e-commerce performance by a margin of 38 percent, according to the Transaction Processing Performance Council's (TPC's) new TPC-W benchmark for e-comm
Sunshine and Blueberries
by Leigh Dodds – This week the Deviant reports on the impending formation of a new Web Architecture group within the W3C and provides an update on the state of XML Blueberry.