Author: SSWUG Research


VB 6.0 vs. VB.NET

By Michael Otey – I have an opinion about nearly everything, but I'm on the fence about Visual Basic (VB) 6.0 versus VB.NET. Microsoft and the VB.NET proponents claim that VB.NET is the next evolutionary step for VB—finally bringing to VB some of the advanced features that other languages have e


P2P and XML in Business

by Brian Buehling – Following the growth of business-to-business exchanges and supply chain management systems, the emergence of peer-to-peer (P2P) computing is likely to become another deployment arena for XML technology. Whether exchanging user messages, application state, or processing instructio


Professional XML Schemas

Professional XML Schemas exhaustively details the W3C XML Schema language, and teaches the new syntax in an intuitive and logical way. From declaring elements and attributes, creating complex content models and working with multiple namespaces, you'll move on to see how XML Schemas are used in r