Author: SSWUG Research


Indexing XML documents

By David Mertz, Ph.D. – As XML document storage formats become popular, especially for prose-oriented documents, the task of locating contents within XML document collections becomes more difficult. This column extends the generic full text indexer presented in David's Charming Python #15 column


SQL Server Fast Facts

Discover the information you need to evaluate SQL Server based on its performance, scalability, reliability, market momentum, cost of ownership, and ease of use, from the industry's leading sources. You will also find a list of reference links that will provide quick access to statistics, benchm


How to use XLink with XML

By Brett McLaughlin – XLink, an XML-related specification, lets you achieve dramatic linking effects in your XML documents. In this short tip learn how to include parts of other XML documents in your own XML through XLink. The code example demonstrates the technique.



Alpine™ – The XML Test Tool – is the leverage you need for a quality XML application. Alpine allows developers to generate or consume XML document instances delivered via multiple transport interfaces for verification and validation.


Professional XML Meta Data

The book 'Professional XML Meta Data', from Wrox Press, is for developers who are familiar with basic XML concepts and are seeking new methods for building data/process descriptions, resource discovery/retrieval, and exchanging/sharing information. Many of the topics covered are pioneering t