Author: SSWUG Research


How Fuzzy Query Works

SQL has certain limitations. In recent years, an increasing number of people have begun to realize the need for a technology to reach beyond the barriers that SQL presents. One of the most significant barriers that people come up against when attempting to retrieve data from a database using SQL is


Slippery SOAP

by Edd Dumbill – Earlier this month, the W3C's XML Protocol Working Group released a Working Draft of SOAP 1.2. This specification is notable for several reasons. First, it's the first version of the protocol produced inside the W3C, rather than being a submission from member companies. Seco


XML Basics (part 1)

Struggling with XML? Can't figure out the difference between an entity and a namespace? Fear not – our XML series has all the answers. This introductory article discusses the origins and design goals of XML, the basic rules of XML markup, and how to use elements and attributes in an XML document